


Motivational Coach


Award- Winning Entrepreneur

Real Estate Investor

Christian Noelle



Christian Noelle is a dedicated ​motivational coach and a passionate ​mother who believes in the power of ​reinvention. With a deep ​understanding of the challenges of ​balancing personal growth and family ​life, she inspires others to embrace ​change and rebrand themselves. Her ​approach blends practical advice ​with empathetic support, ​empowering individuals to discover ​their true potential and redefine their ​paths with confidence and purpose.




"Sweet Acts of ​Kindness: ​Cupcake ​Giveaway for the ​Homeless"

In the spirit of giving back, we hosted a "Sweet Acts of Kindness" cupcake giveaway for the homeless. This initiative aims to spread joy and warmth by providing freshly baked cupcakes to those in need donated by Sam’s Club in Houston, Texas. Each sweet treat is a symbol of care and community, reminding everyone that a small act of kindness can make a big difference. Join us as we share a little sweetness and compassion with our neighbors who need it most.


“ If you're looking to redefine your path ​and unlock your potential, Christian ​Noelle is the coach you need by your ​side.”

Kasey Edwards, Client

Unleash the ​Power of ​Rebranding ​Yourself

"Rebranding yourself is not just ​about changing your image; it's ​about rediscovering who you ​truly are and aligning your life ​with that vision. Embrace the ​opportunity to rewrite your ​story, knowing that every step ​forward is a chance to create a ​version of yourself that reflects ​your deepest values and ​aspirations. Your potential is ​limitless when you dare to ​reimagine who you can be."

-Christian Noelle





Proverbs 3:15-18 “She is more ​precious than rubies; nothing you ​desire can compare with her. Long ​life is in her right hand; in her left ​hand are riches and honor. Her ​ways are pleasant ways, and all her ​paths are peace. She is a tree of ​life to those who take hold of her; ​those who hold her fast will be ​blessed.”

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